Would you stay?

I have really been thinking a lot about this lately. With everything going on in this country, most of it bad, some of it good, I have really been considering moving. If you had no large ties to this country, would you move? And what country would you move to?

I would, and I would move to Italy.

fuckin hippie

Have you lived in any other countries? It’s a different world. There’s a reason they call it land of the free regardless of the minor insignificant stuff going on now.

USSR :ninja :motherland

Or as some call it nowdays, Russia.

On a serious note, I think if all hell breaks lose, I’d move to a country thats most isolated and self dependent, like Switzerland or maybe Canada, somewhere where I know the language is always a plus.

Yeah :+1 for Canada, I’m Italian but if there was some crazy reason that the US got way out of hand…i’d go to Canada

…Soviet Union…Communists :shifty :motherland

Haha im not saying anything bad about our country, just simply asking, if you could move somewhere, where would you go?

Maybe you’ll go maybe you’ll stay, and yes I have been out of the country and I do know what it is like ::slight_smile:

being on vacation is hugely different from living there. Honestly there is nothing you can find else where in the world that you cant find in the US. Alabama, NYC, Miami, Juno, seattle… they might as well be different countries.

Im like 100% Irish so id be on my way there :nod

i’d go home to Canada! oh canada!

If shit goes down in the states im heading for Canada :rofl

Shit going down in the States would still be better than living anywhere else. Canada would be second choice, but the winters would be absolute hell.

You say that like there all warm and fuzzy here.

compared to canada… yes, they are

I’ve thought of this myself, and looked into it heavily, you can’t just move and cut ties with the US instantly if your a US citizen. The process is known as becoming an expatriate(or expat) and in the US takes about 10 years to accomplish legally and is a pain in the ass, but if your younger, wealthy and don’t have faith in the US then its worth doing. The best choices of countries to move to are Morocco, Switzerland and Canada, they all have different rules and regulations regarding expats but Morocco and Switzerland make it the most flexible and easy, however you best be LOADED if you think your moving to Switzerland and living like you do here, if you’ve got anything less of 9 figures in the bank you best leave your ego state side because you will be humbled quickly and without mercy. Canada is the easiest but also the least safe, anything that impacts the US will have a direct impact on our neighbors to the north, I also believe as a Canadian citizen your must spend 185 days a year in the country of Canada, every country has a different set of rules when it comes to this. Eastern Europe is growing rapidly and has a lot of potential, but again the American attitude will not fly period.

I’m planning on moving to N. Carolina by no later then 09 and if that goes well, and this country continues down its self destructive path I will have no choice but to expat and move abroad before I’m 40. For someone in my shoes the tax savings alone would cover the cost of the move and legal fees with in a year, travel is cheap and as long as you become a citizen of a country that is moderately free you can still travel to the US freely. For me I would go to Morocco, right now its your best bet for freedom and growth, the problem is the main language there is Arabic, but I’ve got time on my hands and plan on start studying it sooner then later.

I have a friend who has a second home in France and loves it there, he feels we Americans are envious of how laid back the French are, they eat rich foods, are not obese, retire young on a government funded plan(that works), and are not stressed out all the time. Sure they can’t engineer their way out of a paper bag, but they don’t care, they are too busy enjoying life to worry about anything. Which begs the question, for all the running and chaos America does/creates in an effort to better their position, are we happier? We are a young country and could learn a lot from those who have been around the block or two, if we can make it through this difficult adolescence I am certain we are bound for greatness, however, with our self destructive nature I am less then optimistic the US will ever be again what it was.

This so called “self deconstruction” that several of you claim will not reach a point where it will benefit to move to another country in our lifetime, or our kids, or grandkids. It’s all a bunch of fluff, IMO.

For the wealthy there are HUGE benefits for moving abroad.

China’s going to take over the world anyway so we might as well start learning to say “please sir, can i have summore?” in Mandarin :rofl

hmm id go somewhere in europe, maybe germany for ze autobahn,

zieg heil? :ponder

well i have been to the carribean, aruba, new zealand x3 and antarctica x3
plus i am a member of the armed forces so i do have ties to this country and do understand what has been going on since i watch the news like everyday and nite
i do support this country and as much as some people might hate this i do support GWB since i did vote for him both times
so yea that is my 10 cents :nod