Wow, go apple :rolleyes:

man, this seems pretty stupid IMO. It’s sites like this that creates hype and get people excited about new products.

way to go, apple. First websites get sent a cease and desist order for using the name “iphone”, now this

:lolham: :smash2:

they sure are taking their fan base for granted…

Aren’t rumor sites free marketing?

They were shut down for refusing to reveal a source…On which probably signed a non-disclosure agreement. I liked Think Secret, but most likely someone was breaking an NDA. Thumbs up to sticking to your principles and not revealing the source though.

Basically. Pretty lame on Apple’s part.

wish I could find some details about it, but most articles just say that a settlement was reached and don’t go too much into it.

that is stupid

That’s my first thought.

I thought companies LOVED when the internet talked and hyped about upcoming projects and rumors?

Wait… WHAT!!!