Wow I suck at math...


At UB? In calc 3 a graphing calculator is fairly useless. Well, an 83 at least.

At NCCC we weren’t allowed to use them for Calc 1/2, but they would have also been fairly useless.

calc 2 i could see not using one, but calc 1? that shit would be the suck.

I miss the days when I actually got numbers in my math classes, now its all theorems and proofs.

you are, and even better you get to use mathcad, engineering equation solver too

its great. you are not allowed to use them when you don’t need them, too many people use graphing calculators as a crutch

yes make fun of me because I have a hard time with math…I really don’t care. I had a quiz today…good lord lol. Time to hit up the math lab.

I just lego’d my Eggo


you can use calcs? fuck calc 2 and 3 i was never able to use them… an nooooo formula sheet fucking assholes

I didn’t take the SATs

i’m in trigonometry and we aren’t allowed to use graphing calculators. depends on the teacher.

and since when does alcohol have two a’s?


i admit it, i suck at math too :stuck_out_tongue:

hah I got an almost perfect score in the english part, fucking bombed the math part. Yet here I am going for a Math BS. :cjerk:


I fell asleep during the SAT and still got like a 1450…

that shit is a joke, and whats even more funny is the GRE (the grad school version of the SAT)

What a fucking joke, imma ace that bitch…

now that is funny

double digit SAT score wuuuuut