I can’t believe a nissan club just sent me a money-grab spam to unlock my cellphone.
The admins here unbelievable. :{
Please delete my account.
I can’t believe a nissan club just sent me a money-grab spam to unlock my cellphone.
The admins here unbelievable. :{
Please delete my account.
Gotta get funds for the site one way or another, I just don’t believe a paid member should get these e-mails.
haha this guy has 1 ****in post and is complaining… dont make my laugh…
now now…take er easy…normally we dont get these spam emails…usually just event reminders…if its something you dont like…delete, and blow it off…if you’re really ticked…talk to rick…problem solved…no need for drama
^^ exactly my point.
you…cool it with ur flaming…cuz well…its just gay
just ignore anything you dont like or any negativity…pretty much most of us here are really nice easy going people
hahaha make it 2 posts now! lmaoooo
Isnt Jammin off of SON?
I think so
Im not gunna lie…i was kinda like wtf when i saw that too.
yah sorry guys… jeramy sent that email. he just told me, i told him its a no go for others like that… i apologize wont happen again. I told him know to just make a post in the Classified section.
dont worry about users flamming if you dont want to come back then dont. if you have an issue post it or pm me and ill resolve it asap. thats what im here for. If SON members come and flame on here than ill talk to Son admin staff about it. so no worries. lets get on with it.
It was a mistake from a new Admin. we all make mistakes.
I didn’t get no emails…
And Jammin is a ****ing VETERAN on SON you retards… Klutch, I hear ur big and brown… who’s laughing now?
LMAO… yah osad i know this.
I know you are but what am I…:S
I didn’t say it to you…
watch what you say banana boy.
anyways this thread is done. issue resolved. done done