wrecking ball



Holy crap. Soccer balls saved someone big time!

they said a construction worker was trying to throw bricks infront of it to try and stop it…kinda funny…how the hell do you stop a wrecking ball

That’s like trying to tow your car with spaghetti noodles, lol


A for effort!

My guess is … a Ford Taurus :eek:

Mark Recchi was in Meadville?!

hahhaha…he don’t fuck around

And the weird part is…I went to high school with the kid and was good friends with him back then. Good find Jeff…

the guy was throwing bricks in front of something designed to bust bricks… sounds smart to me

Nice catch by the taurus, could have been alot worse like the wood chipper on route 8.

Here’s a photo gallery from the local paper: http://meadville.bravophotos.com/photos/news/viewalbum-0-2660-Wrecking+ball+damages+cars.htm