WT(something): I need someone to get my bimmer from hybrid to broadway/dick area.


There could be money involved.

Also, if you have a trailer i may use, i have a truck to pull it with.

^ You have PM.

I might know someone that might be able to help you out my friend owns a tow truck company so it will cost money. let me know if u want more info. Also might be able to get my hands on a trailer to.

steve o has a dolly that I’m sure he would let you use

did you check with MPD47? If he is available im sure he might do it


steve o has a dolly that I’m sure he would let you use


yea thats mine…

Big thanks to SAM (evoMR).

Car will reside at vito antonicelli’s shop for 1.5 weeks. :smiley:

good choice