WTB: '03+ WRX Wagon 5 speed

anyone have any for sale around here? I have people coming to look at my car tomorrow and I’d like to move into one of these if possible. no mods or as close to stock as possible preferred.

edit: also would strongly consider a regular impreza 5 speed wagon un-wrx’d, since I’m just looking for a daily.

how much are you looking to spend?
my buddy has an 03 forest green WRX wagon that he might be willing to sell.


depends on condition and miles, of course.

I have one , pm me your email

what do you mean how?

of course. its in real nice condition.
no rust and underneath its real clean.
As far as mileage im not completely sure.
Im certain its under 75k.

He means that they didn’t make a forrest green wrx.


Its green.
sorry i dont have the correct name.

sedlmeier are you related to adam?

he’s my brother.

And ANY TYPE of GREEN was not available in any WRX trim.

Maybe your friend has a GREEN IMPREZA

maybe its got a wrx swap then or something.
its his car so ill just ask him.

and yeah im friends with him. were you at his grad party? if you were i might have met you.