WTB 1.8t Engine

I know it’s a longshot but I’m hoping someone has a good running 1.8t Engine
It’s for a 02 Vw passat
I’d prefer something I can drop rite in
The one I have dropped a valve and I don’t wanna rebuild it
Let me know if u have anything or any info that might help in finding one

Make sure you get another 1.8T out of a longitudinal VAG platform. If you get a 1.8T from say a GTI you are going to need to make a lot of changes to make it work. The engines have mostly the same components (Minus Transmission connections) but they are all in difference places with different mounting points.

is the the one you just bought with the “bad turbo”

??? Not quite sure what ur talking about.



Ahhh I see what your talking now. No Deffinatelly not the same car. Mines that nice grey color not silver.

I know someone has this motor sitting around somewheres I’d even buy a wrecked parts car for the rite price

Still looking for a good running 1.8t


dont know if its a 2.0 or 1.8t or if its running… just noticed it yesterday.

How far you looking to drive? There are always a ton of those cars around here.





Nice lets hope it’s a 1.8t

The last one is a good lead!

Thanks guys

By the research I’ve been doing regarding a replacement engine it has to be 01 and newer and be from a auto car. If anyone knows this to be a false statement please let me know because it limits me lol