anyone got any?
good luck, they only started putting them on Hondas in 03 or 02… there not as abundant as 14’s
best bet is a yard, tell them you need them with 4x100, i dont know of any ohter car companies that have them in 4x100 though.
Originally posted by 8Grand
good luck, they only started putting them on Hondas in 03 or 02… there not as abundant as 14’sbest bet is a yard, tell them you need them with 4x100, i dont know of any ohter car companies that have them in 4x100 though.
saturns use 4x100mm so look for those also. dont konw if the offset is correct but i believe that the mercury tracer and escort are that also. once again not sure on the off set… and i think that saturn use to have a 15" hubcap wheel so i no that is black behind it