WTB: 18" rims and tires for Rx7

Within the next month or two, i’m looking for a set of 4 tires- near new or new - and 4 chrome rims for the FD, will consider a few patterns. Just wondering if anyone had anything before i go shopping.

No Chrome please :hang:

just wonderin, whats the bolt pattern on that car? my freind has some 18s that came off his cavy. Not chrome tho =/, they are polished silver - bolt pattern is 5x114.3 and 5x100

ugh dont put chrome on it

regardless of the bolt pattern i’m willing to bet that any rims that were on a cavalier will not look right on an fd. wrong offsets and not wide enough

edit oh yea, and please no chrome on the fd :frowning:

If i don’t go with chrome, then what should I go with? The FD is red and I don’t like Black rims. I don’t really think GunMetal looks good on red, the only reason I was thinking chrome was because the FD is Red . . . any other suggestions?

silver, or gold like xander’s gramlights

Anything looks good on red, unless you’re going to do blue or green or something crazy like that.

Here’s a pic of my old car for some ideas. Volk Gram Lights 57 pro gold center 18 x 8 all the way around.


Here is the same wheel on the silver car, and some Volk GTCs on the red car.


And this is a little bit more old school, Blitz type O3s



yeahh dont go chrome…silver or gold…gold is FTW IMO

Noooooo one else can buy those gramlights! I must be the only one! :stuck_out_tongue:

… But I’d rather you bought the same wheels as me than buy chrome wheels for an FD!!