Yes or no?

I am looking into some rims…what is your opinion on these?

Compared to?

black vs chrome i guess…and thse stock ones i currently have

on copper?


chrome would be ugly IMO, the stockers are alright, i do like the black, not a fan of the chrome lip IMO.

yes, do itt

Wow, are those brakes really that small, or is the rims HUGE?

awesome wheels, i say do it

I never really thought about going with a black rim…but I must say these would look really nice on the red paint scheme.

black with chrome lip is way too played out

thats what i said

:tup: good man. i think just black would look hot.

so what do you suggest?

idk all black looks meh to me

go all chrome/polished

black is nice… the rims just look a little too ebayish/overdomestic for a viper


its so over played that even expensive rims look cheap with that color scheme by association.

well the choices are chrome or black with chrome or polished lip…not sure what combo yet…still have some time to think about it

pics of all chrome?

working on that…trying to locate some images…

Hmm I like it but I dont like the chrome rivets or w/e they are just under the lip.

Never been crazy about all chrome, but either way I don’t think you can go wrong. What are your thoughts about the black rims you’ve shown above??