need a divorce lawyer, anyone have a suggestion?

The man always loses in court unless the mother is bat shit crazy and everyone knows it.

NOPE you still lose half your shit, when its all said and done he will be lucky to have his dick and the lint in his pocket to call his own.

You have kids with her? You’ll be paying out the nose…
Kicking the holy hell out of the Guy would be a plus. But over all she is totally to blame in all this. You didn’t cheat, you bust your fucking sack and this is how you are repaid for your devotion.:Idiots

Takes two to tango, if she had a shred of honor the other guy wouldn’t be in the picture till after the split.

Sounds a lot like my fuck over!:banghead

You pay me tell me where to be I’ll get pictures, Also I must be allowed to dress as a ninja or a British SAS officer at night.

This would be the irrefutable evidence needed.:rofl

The sad truth of marriage in NY.

Why does everything have to suck Black cock!? How bout a Chinese cock for a change.

Once again the marriage system total fucks over a man. At least you are doing better, had this happened to me with a guy living near by I would not have your level of restraint.