WTB: 240sx Convertible

If anyone knows of one or see’s one, do me a favor and ask them if they will sell it! Im tired of not having one so im willing to say f*ck it and put my money where my mouth is.

Please though if you do find one, dont do what cheeks did and refer me to people that don’t speak English and are illegal immigrants.

Thank you. :bigthumb:

(Yes, im even willing to fly and drive the car back here. As long its on the east coast)

(yes I already know about the one one ebay for 12,000 dollars. That has 32,xxx on it. 12 is a little much for a 240sx convertible thats stock.)


Didn’t Sailor have one of these for sale?

I have a friend in Ohio with a sr20 swapped one, any interest?

He did, then it was Jays, and Jay used it as a beater and I have no clue where it is now. I think then it DIAF?

I have a sr20 now, looking to get just the car.

hater, that car was clean as hell

it was, until the kid told me the title was in his mothers name. then proceeded to tell me she at the time wasn’t a legal resident of the united states.



That car has been for sale for atleast a year… I saw it on nicoclub a long time ago for $900 and I thinkit has changed owners a few times since then.

I have a friend in WV with a very clean vert for sale.


i traded my 240 + 350 bucks to jay for a 35r. Jay drove it for like a month which he then sold for 300 bucks as is before he moved. wanna say the head gasket popped, and he said fuck it.
