WTB: 91+ 240sx

i know alot of other people are looking for a 91+ 240sx but so am i…only S13’s please

Im looking for something that is pretty solid…i want a decent frame and floor and a decent body…front fenders dont matter but not too much rust on the top of the rear quarters

nothing matters at all to me…engine/tranny/interior/suspension/brakes so really just the body and frame are all i care about…some rust is ok

i really really really want a rolling chassis the most or close to it

thanks robattre

It will help if you do mention a range of what you are looking at spending.

Just a hint,

good luck man


check this one out, its pretty clean.

good buy


yeah unfortunatly i dont have 3500 right now or else i would have bought it :cry:

good luck finding a rust free car for under 4G’s

Just a note.

Good luck tho.

i dont mean like 100% rust free just something pretty rust free…like no body rust…the hatch doesnt matter i have a mint one off my other car…but i just want pretty clean floors and frame rails, and the body to be clean…there are a few for sale but i want a 91 not an 89

Bump…accepting all rolling chassis and 240’s with blown up engines!!

This is way out of your budget, but if you want something mint have a look.


sorry im not a fan of silvias…im looking for something around the $1000 marker right now…it would be more but im back in school and am looking for a part time job

$1000 for a mint 240??? your nuts man… but good luck… im selling mine but its more than that tho

i just want a solid car ive seen lots of them good shape shells or good shape 240’s with a blown engine and stuff…all i want is a shell it will like basically im looking for anything under or around 1000 give or take a few hundred…

ive changed my mind and these parts of the car…rockers can have some rust…front fenders i dont car about or hood or front bumper…i just want a straight frame and solid floor…just a good foundation ill cut the rust out of the body…but is its on the rear quarterpanels im no interested

save some dough, you will never find a solid chassis with ought engine for $1000 and under on son.

yeah you definately have no chance, and even if somehow there was one, Avery would be buying it before you even find out about it.





here are some chassis on son that have been sold for in and around $1000 with in the last year…heck i think the last 6-8 months…so in the next little while there must be another one that comes up

just to prove that there are some rolling chasis out there…its not like i need anythig asap i have a daily driver, and just want a good project


found my mint shell finally for $1000

just for all u people who thought it wouldnt happen

Damn u, lucky bastard. im looking for exactly what u were with the same price range. i will find one…