WTB:95-99 eclipse GSX lowring spring/camber

anyone have anything?as of right now i just need to correct a possitive camber problem. but somthing that i wont have to change twice. somthing for street use.

i have a Progress kit in mine. all it is in the rear are shims and longer bolt and in the front just accentric bolt inserts for the upper control arms that you will have to have pressed in. think i got mine from Masterminds-sorry dont have their number anymore. but im sure you can pick a kit up at any dsm supplier. and the kit was about $199.00-rape job but what you gonna do?

Look around. There are plenty of links to making yoiur own kit for the rear. Check DSMTuners.com

i cant join DSMTiners cuz i needa private email. but i would really need somthing.