WTB: Automotive Technology Texbook

Anyone got one laying around collecting dust?

Holler at me asap.



edit: ne 1 here go to cenntennial? :@


i have the third edition…$90 its the same shit

i have that book. $110 near new and barely used since i stayed for a sem.
you can even have my old note and print outs if i can find them.

pm if your itnrested


i have that book, very informative…too bad the program at Fanshawe sucks and is so badly unorganized!!

Im not selling the book , but if you want a crap load of notes and questions and answer for the chapter reviews and stuff, i can email them to you! haha

haha funshawe I"m there right now for the GM cert

oh the GM crew…haha jk.

i hate that school but there are a lot of really hot girls there, that s the only plus side!

werd… im in the GM crew at centennial

What is the GM certification you guys speak of? Is this their certified mechanic program?

Its just school for GM mechanics