WTB: B series Trans Flywheel Shield/Cover

If anyone has one lmk…

like the one you need to run 9’s?
or the stock one that covers the gap on the bellhousing?

im guessing the stock insepection cover…

i think i got one il look around the garage when i get home,ill take the following as payment:
hand bananas
back rubs
lower back rubs

i have the type R one for sale if your interested

Yes that one…Lmk if you find it. I had your number but lost it when my phone broke. Just shoot me a pm.

Pm me a price.


50 shipped for the itr one OBO

i need one as well

i have the itr one, its a really nice single big aluminum piece

these things are cheap at the dealer guys…!!!

actually the part i am selling retails for over 130$

acura part # 11950-P73-J00