wtb B&W Center channel, rears

Looking for a b&w center and some rears.

list models #s maybe I can help

speaker shop

I have B&W and they are the only local reseller around, unless you goto rochester.

best buy and stores of that sort are not authorized resellers do not sell them.

what series are you looking for?

I have a set of B&W rears that I’m not using… I’ll have to dig up the model and figure out what I want for them… stay tuned…

theblue, let me know also if the OP doesnt want them.


Lol, thanks guys, I know speaker shop has them I am looking for either~ HTM-7, HTM4, 4S, HTM3, 3S . Rears can be the 600 line of bookshelf, or the ds7, ds8… I have 803s fronts. Didnt want to pay full retail. unless i have to

Ill see what the guys have at work

thanks and let me know…Greg

anyluck anyone?

what did u end up getting