wtb cheap car to race no title not important

well the seats in that car belong to me. they dont go with the car. so he better NOT sell it.

I just talked to him. $400 and that cars yours. he even has the title.

and If your buddy did buy it… let me kno. because the car legaly is still my buddys. And I have a written signed recept for the seats. so whoever has them, isnt keepin them.

If you’re not going to register the car you should run it in D Class at least. That’s what we used to run our rabbit in. Way more fun and competitive than SLM. Still run menards in that class.

last i heard pete gave the car to pocket and pocket is paying dave what pete owes him

Somebody calls somebody else Pocket? Who wants to be zipper?

i dont care who buys the car. as long as i get my seats