WTB: Cheap wheels/tires

need something for the winter. any size will be fine as long as they are 5x100.


good luck, im trying and it’s impossible.

if you get offers if/after you pick something up please let me know :slight_smile:

I might just end up heading to the junkyard and taking some off a newer Jbody.

i have a set of them let me know if your interested. they were off my subaru legacy 15" steelies 5x100 with tires.

My cuz owns a junk yard, tell me what kinda cars they come off of and i will get a full set posably

what kind of tires? and how much?

I cant remember off the top of my head they are just all season. $125 and u can have all of them. 2 of the tires have very good thread the other 2 hads ok thread. let me know thanks i can deliver if need be.