Looking for a set of 5X100’s for my jetta for snows.
Decent tires would be a plus. Steelies, curbed shits, what ever. Cheap = :number1
Looking for a set of 5X100’s for my jetta for snows.
Decent tires would be a plus. Steelies, curbed shits, what ever. Cheap = :number1
Let me know. If you want to work something else out, in terms of powder coating my new wheels in trade I would be more than willing to work something out. LMK.
i have 4 brand new steel wheels. 5 lug they came off of an impala. they have 225/70/15 coppers on them. two are weather masters the other two are trendsetters. tires are slightly used if not brand new.
Thanks but no thanks. I dont care for the tires honestly. If they have tires mounted I dont want any “summer performance” tires on them. Sorry.
Anypics of the treads?
pm me your #. i can send them on my phone. all tires are almost brand new!!!
on it. thx
All season tires. But yeah prob not the best in the snow. Reply appreciated.