I am looking for a streetbike for no more then 1600, it has to run good, not need anything fixed, good shape , thanks
good luck
Seriously. Save up another grand and then start looking.
I am looking for a streetbike for no more then 1600, it has to run good, not need anything fixed, good shape , thanks
maybe a mid 90’s ninja 500? Thats about it lol
I am looking for a streetbike for no more then 1600, it has to run good, not need anything fixed, good shape , thanks
what is this “crotch rocket” you speak of :gotme:
I am already getting one thanks found one today
I have a 93 zx-6 that im looking for about that much
1998 suzuki katana 600 - 16k miles
I bought the 1989 Ninja 600R in Shrives’ sig for $1200. I was supposed to sell it for $1100 but zoomzoom26 screwed me with some “I only have $1000” bullshit. I 'd have told him to stuff it but I was getting another bike and didn’t feel like taking two bikes home in the ranger.
You can find one for that price if you look around. 600Rs, fzr’s, early zx-6, ninja 250s and 500s. You won’t get anything fancy but you should be able to find something to cart you around.
1998 suzuki katana 600 - 16k miles
you still have that fuckin thing? jesus christ can you even give that thing away haha.
I sold my katana on ebay and i got what i wanted for it, that was a couple months ago. sell it there man.
I bought the 1989 Ninja 600R in Shrives’ sig for $1200
just out of curiousity where did you buy my 89?
I bought it from a guy up in Mexico, NY in Aug or Sept 2003. He claimed that he was the second owner and I was the third. I think it had around 9000 miles at the time.
I want to see more pics of it. What did you do with the exhaust? Part of why I sold it was the exhaust system was done and I didn’t want to spend the money for a new one.
you still have that fuckin thing? jesus christ can you even give that thing away haha.
I sold my katana on ebay and i got what i wanted for it, that was a couple months ago. sell it there man.
heh well i had a few offers, no 100%s, then after my layoff, things finacially got laot bette,r student lonas came thru FINALLY, and all was set. So i kept it, put some more miles on it and loved it But now, ive bene promoted, better job, school is even being payed for, and Im looking into new appartment, car and a new ride. I love the Kat, but I wanna step it up a bit
So its back on the boards hahaha
if you have $1600, bring $1000 of that to any motorcycle dealer, say you want to put a grand down on any bike, finance $2k from Kawi, and walk out with a new ninja, I did that but walked out with an R1…
Moving to east aurora 2 weeks :headbang: , no garage jsut a drive. I need this gone. I dont mean to hyjack the forums. $1500 including helm. any takers?
Moving to east aurora 2 weeks :headbang: , no garage jsut a drive. I need this gone. I dont mean to hyjack the forums. $1500 including helm. any takers?
ebay it dude, you’ll get well over 2000.
i ride a 00 katana 600 and i love it (for a first bike) lol