WTB: D15B7-8 D16Y7 or What ever ya got, need long block that runs good. A.S.A.P.

Like the title states, looking for a D15B7-8 or a D16Y7 will work, must not smoke and run good.LMK.

I have one complete

Long block? How much deni? Call me.

Trade ya a p28 and eg 5 speed cluster?

I need another long block, the on I just put in the car has a rod knock. Let me know what ya have asap.

buy mine, throw a 40$ gasket set in it and be done with it.

ill sell you the motor for 75$ complete minus dizzy or 115$ with the dizzy.
this is pulled price, you wont do better, you can hear it run anytime you want.

Yes but you said it smokes, I dont want a engine that needs rings or valve seals.

stem seals come in the 40$ gasket set haha, spend 2 hrs and put all new gaskets in it, thats what you would do with ANY used engine anyways.

But you sell cars all the time so I’m sure you know that.
Honda never need rings, everyone is quick to say ohhh its rings, its never rings. its always stem seals.

I’ll pass thanks though.

I take it no one has anything. Im going to the junk yard tomorrow anyone want anything, lol.