wtb: Drivers Seat

Gents, I’m looking to buy a Front Drivers Bucket seat for my S14… Hopefully something that includes rails or that can be mounted on stock rails!

Used Bride, momo, what ever! Please just post up a picture and a price!

Also, I’m a big guy, 6’2 220! Take that into account! If your small and you JUST fit into the seat you’re selling! I doubt I’ll fit!

Thanks Alot


I have one RECARO STYLE reclineable (Two Turning knobs on sides) seat for sell, $220 with Slider.

But Since you are over 6’, I think you should get something like Bride Low Max series, because in the S14 with aftermarket Seat, you will be hitting the roof.

Is this the seat your selling?


If not… Pics?

Yes, it is the exact same one. It’s new, black with red stitches. And it is still in original plastic wrap.

Let me know.

Will do, I found a Bride Brix2 Replica that i would prefer, But i’ll let you know!

buy my 89’s HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, j/k unless… lol