WTB drivers side seat

hey im looking for a drivers side seat it has to be grey and leather and in good condition no rips tears holes pm me if anyone has one thanks


Those are hard to come by, if you dont have any luck I always have a
Mint brown one waiting for you.

lol thanks adam its hard to find ppl that want to buy brown interior eh lol :lol:

Indeed it is, its too bad though this one is mint.

The car it came outta had only 87,000km on it.

Chris, let me know on how you fare with the seat hunting, as I would also like to fix my driver’s seat.

its really hard to find one eh i may just get a set of nismo racing buckets i dont know i like seat now buts its riped and has holes in it but i’ll let u know what i find later


I have a mint driver and passenger side seat make me an offer I would like to get rid of both preferably but PM me and maybe we can work something out.

^Grey Leather, and with no wear?

Chris, have you looked into, or anyone else for that matter, getting a seat fixed. As in getting it patched up with identical leather? I am curious as to how much that would cost in comparison to getting a whole new seat.

grey leather yes.

i haven’t looked into having the seat “re-leatherd” however a buddy of mine had is integra seats re-done in black leather for 500$ now i dont know what he asked to have done ie speacial options (stiching embrodery and so on) so it can differ but i’ll look into it


Hey don’t S14 seats bolt right into the S13?

:shock: I’m just talking getting patch jobs done. I don’t think it would be too noticible, or too expensive.

And with little-to-no wear? If it has wear, which I don’t see how it couldn’t, forget about it. From my experience, as soon as wear starts, it’s just a matter of time (weeks in my case) before a rip appears :cry: Let me know though.

One of you might wanna look into Z32 seats. I dont know how hard its going to be to get em(junkyard? Ebay?) But its possible, I seen an S13 with Z32 seats and it looks hot! if you wanna reupholster your seats(get them redone) I know a place which does it in T dot; You might wanna give them a call. They also will convert your entire interior and I mean Dash and doors, everything.

Auto Upholstery Centre
101 Toro Road,
Toronto, ON

Also if thats not good, try http://newimageinteriors.com/. They are in Scarborough (1630 Midland Ave.) (416.752.0883)

lol ya that would run into the big $$$$ tho i would think and i’ll have to look into z32 seats do they bolt right up to s13 brakets or is there modifcation required???


some modification. Same with the Skyline seats(as featured in Sport Compact Car’s latest issue) they will be a pain in the @$$ if you dont know what your doing. You might wanna see if anyone here did that, I doubt it tho, i saw it in a Us car.

Why don’t you get a grey passenger seat, because they are way easier to find with no wear on them. Then you could just transfer the meat and potatoes over to your driver’s seat. :idea:

No you can’t. If you could people would have done it by now.

You can’t because of that stupid lump that the driver’s seat is on.

GTR 32 and 34 seats would be perfect, since they give u enough headroom and they are extremely comfortable. They are also really good for drifting since they have good support on the sides. Its just, they’ll either be expensive, ripped up or youll have a hard time finding them.

I think he means just rip the skin off of the passenger’s seat, and put it over the driver’s seat. If this is right, I can’t see it fitting too well. The lumbar support handle is one problem that you would have to deal with. I’m not saying it can’t be done, it’s just I want a ‘cheap and easy’ fix (such as a patch job or replacement). No one here has dealt with a patch job on leather seats before? I find that hard to believe :? .