WTB: Electricity Generator

Looking for a decent sized generator to power my garage.

The quieter the better.

Needs to be able to run a number of overhead lights and charge an air compressor as well as a Salamander heater.

3000watt range.

If you have smaller or bigger I’d love to take a look.

im not sure your gonna find a quiet one…

Dude, just grow outdoors.


no way dude deer ftl :headbang ask me how I know :sad

Oh great. Mark made a bunch of stoner deer.

vlad… might want to rethink that… your going to get the cops called and booted with a generator running, much less an air compressor…

just lookin out for ya

Just roll up some chicken wire into small barrell shapes and cover them in leaves surrounding your crop, the deer step on them and get spooked and run off. Don’t ask how I know :slight_smile:

smart man, they were at this kid I was previously friends with house, he was tending to them I think he would just piss in a circle like 10ft away from them, but he broke his leg and got lazy as fuck, he said a deer ate them, but I later found out his older sister was trying to find them, so maybe she just made a :ninja robbery. I’d rob the fat fuck of his plants if I had the chance :lol I was pissed to 6 plants= mad money, I could have had an ls turbo teggy :sad


6 plants grown by someone inexperienced would net you MAYBE one ounce, and it would be terrible weed, you probably wouldn’t have made more than $200 if you were a CONMAN.

I love how this turned into a thread about smoking pot when I’m sure that’s not at all what Vlad had in mind when he asked for it. :lol


Doesnt everybody know that coke is where the money is anyway?

wasnt my first time :ninja but srsly this thread did go way o.t :lol