WTB: Exhaust hanger brackets off tranny cross brace

Kind of hard to describe what it is I need and I can’t take a picture of it since I am missing it. It’s pretty much the little bracket that is fastened on to the tranny cross brace. It’s the brackets that attatch to a metal exhaust hanger.

Here’s the factory one. I take it this is what you mean?


Here’s the one my dad made. I’m wonder if I still have it. If so I can sell
it to you for like $20.


More pics here:

Yup, that is it but I don’t need the custom piece you have made, I need those 2 oem brackets that you have your cutom piece fastened to. :smiley:

rob i got mine in the garage we can use whatever is left of it to make some custom ones.

Sweet. I just need it temporarily to hang a portion of my exhaust while I fab up my downpipe then I can make my own brackets once the exhaust is all bolted up. I’ll give you a call tomorrow or wednesday after work.

ok cool, did ur stuff come in yet?