WTB family sheild.........WHERE?

Ive been throwing around the idea of getting a tattoo similar to this one:

But obvioulsy with my own crest. Ive searched and searched but couldnt find anything about my familys last name on the net so I talked to my grandparents and they told me that we basically dont have a family crest or trackable backround. When their parents came over to the US, they were assigned a last name. My grandparents couldn’t tell/remember what our last name was prior to moving over here so once again I got stuck and cant trace it back.

Since I sorta hit a wall I threw around the idea of designing my own shield based upon my mothers maiden name and just incorporating some other design elements that I thought fit. But after thinking about it, it kinda seems like a quick fix to the problem.

Here is my question: How can I get a REAL family crest drawn up that I can pass down to my kids and have it have some kind of records? Is there government group or what have you that takes care of something like this? Can someone point me in the right direction? Opinion?

interesting question, I also wondered about this as well.

Are you going to fly this from the banners at your castle?
and put in on you shIEld, so when you go fight dragons he knows who he is fucking with?


starting a crest now is lame

Maybe start somewhere like here

thats mine (fathers)

or here http://4crests.stores.yahoo.net/schober-coat-of-arms.html

(mothers maiden) although they look like both might be the same based sites, i have thought of getting the same tat, but i think both are kinda ugly



LOL Flaming dragon… what a gay tattoo… Nice love handles :stuck_out_tongue:


you may be able to find something through here

I’ve been wanting the same actually, but at the base of a celtic cross (yeah, I’m a mic)

What’s your last name?

MEH. Be glad you don’t have one.
Here’s mine, how gay:

i was just looking for my coat of arms and found out my great great great grandfather is a hero in poland lol

ouch :lol: that sucks man

i was just looking for my coat of arms and found out my great great great grandfather is a hero in poland lol

no shit, thats pretty wild. I wonder how tough it is to trace your family tree. Most everyone who can even go back 3 generations is dead already

well my mom did her side of the family awhile back cuz we found a picture of a great uncle that won the congressional medal of honor in my great grandfathers attic, she traced way back and found that i am john adams great great great great great grandson it was allways something our great grandfather told us but we just thought he was crazy old man but its actually true i think she used ancestry.com and geneology.com and traced birth and death certificates

Thanks, they are almost gone btw. Ya, maybe ill show you and Newms around a gym someday, you tools arent aware of it but ive lost 125#s and counting in the past 15 months. And ya my ex is a whore, Im laughing about it as ive been poundin her best friend. get some new material!

Also thats a good idea im gonna incorporate my Draggin Fenix into my cool sheild, its gonna be better than Newmee’s!

Your fun Newman!