WTB: gauges

i need gauges for my 00 civic so post what you have… boost, a/f ect… post a price and condition. if anyone has a pod for them that would be great too.

i have oil pressure, water temp, volt, and a/f gauges. 25 bucks takes em all

what brand and condition? what type of hardwear is included.

25 bux is a sweet deal…

i have an a/f and a boost.

Edited title to “WTB” instead of “need to buy”

I got an a/f gauge too

how much for the boost gauge?

Autometer Phantom AFR…perf condish…30obo

the volt, water temp, and oil pressure gauges are all sun pro. the a/f gauge is the autometer phantom gauge, here are some pics:





someone actually just offered me $40 for all, so i think i’m going with that. sorry man but more $ > lol

i’ve got an Autometer Pro-Comp Ultra Lite 20 psi boost gauge…silver faced…only used for twoo weeks…40 takes it…

i may be interested in the pro comp gauge… ill get back to you on that.

boost gauge = 35.

a buddy of mine is borrowing it right now, but I’m sure i can snag it back, his car don’t run.

I have a Defi D-gauge A/F $50