WTB: GTR front Seats

Looking for GTR front seats, MUST be really good condition.

Pm me.


me too man i might have sourced some from an importer… maybe he has 4 ? i’ll see !

make it 6

might as well add me to that list too, except i only want one

Group fuckin buy!

^^^me 2 my leathers hardly have any leather on em

hey do u know which seatbelt buckles to use when using gtr seats? if gtr seat buckles works iwth s13? if so can u source me pair of seat belt buckles? thanks. or shuld i say i wtb…

Im not 100%. These seats do NOT bolt up at all do they?

3 out of 4 bolt right up… for the last one you can just use a washer.

the r32 seatbelt buckle doesnt work in an s13, i just bolted my s13 buckle to the seat

and i have 2… but they’re in my car… and all id really wanna trade for is a reclineable bucket… :slight_smile:

lmao did u guys get some pm from a guy asking for for number and postal code bout seats

yep lmao.

Thanks Polak!!!

Guys wtf, get the fuck out! This is my WTB, don’t jack it!

No jacking here Mark. Well, at least not by me. No worries. :slight_smile:

You know I love you:love:

i want a gtr seat too

Chris, I don’t mind you and Chad but the other guys…


Originally Posted by 87s15lt1
Yes I am interested. Roughly what price how ever? Shit is pretty tight right now.

Can I just grab your name and number with area code and we will get back to you.

Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy lmao

Yeah I got the same PM…hmmm I doubt this guy can actually get 20 sets of GTR seats.

Yes that would be me. We are going to see how many pairs we can source and how many people are interested. I need your numbers to contact each individual and the postal code for shipping purposes. If we cannot source enough seats for everyone interested we will go in order of who’s numbers I got first that will get the available seats.
