WTB: hockey skates sz 10 & sz 8

Buddy of mine needs forward skates, he’s a size 11.5-12 shoe so probably a sz 10 skate

also, I wouldn’t mind buying a pair of forward skates some time. I’m a sz 9.5-10 shoe so a size 8 skate


there is no difference between a forwards skate and a defensemans skate

well hes a goalie and forward skates and goalie skates are completely different as u probably know

^correct. i am a goalie, so i differentiate between the two.

i got a cheap pair (60bucks) at dicks a few years ago, worked great for me…maybe go that route?

i think my buddy (the sz 10 skate) is looking for something good, but used

i guess I’m probably looking for the same thing

at this stage in the game, whatever I get now I will probably have for a long long time, so might as well get something decent and comfortable.

its not just for ice skating, its for hockey

alrigh tmy buddy went to great skate and bought a pair, so no longer need the sz. 10 skates (for the 11.5-12 shoe)

i LOVe great skate, and cold- i use my for hockey. Haven’t had a prob yet :slight_smile: good luck in your search though, i’ll keep my eyes open

Ice or Roller…i have pair of like new Mission Roller Hockey skates that are a size 9

ice hockey

i might have a pair of size 8’s i’ll look for em cold as i cant find most of my equip. soo i’ll just sell what i can find

ttt still need em, size 8

kid i played hockey with in high school gave me some 852 supertacs.
