WTB: honda civic main relay

Looking for a main relay for a 1993 honda civic. Part number RZ-0132. LMK what you got. Thanks

if one from an EF will work ive got one you can have for 10$

Anyway you can see the part number to match it up for me?

part numbers different

RZ-0063 still its a honda(think legos) so idk if they would interchange.


EF relay’s will not work on 92 and up civics. I have the main relay for your 93 if you are interested?

Can anyone confirm that a RZ-0132 is compatible with a 99 Civic lx?
Also does anyone have a working one they are selling?

If not I believe I have a faulty one that could be re soldered and refurbed…what might you guys charge to refurb one?


I have the one you need. Make an offer.

I need to hold off. I now found out (through prodding…its a girls explanation I’m working with LOL) that the car loses ALL power. So it’s probably the ignition switch which is on recall. I’ll get back to you if the relay is still needed. Thanks. :slight_smile:

She lost power 6 times on about a 15 minute drive. Real safe…jesus. LOL

it would be the relay if the car doesnt start at all (no fuel) or if it doesn’t start at random times (broken solder creating the no fuel issue) Good luck.

Yeah I did the relay in my teg and she starts no matter how hot it is. This is total power loss…radio, lights etc… Not just no fuel pump.

Thanks for the input. I’ll keep ya posted if I need the relay.

your issue could be as simple as a bad ground or bad battery terminal. At worst a bad alternator/alternator terminal. hope this helps.