wtb hood pins

looking for 4 hood pins.
located in sauga

CT maybe ???

I have all kinds of them, but a little far away from you …I am in Niagara Falls…

I’ve got Aerocatch in black, or silver Sparco hood pins.

PM me an offer if you’re interested. Located in Mississauga.

I got a pair for sale! i just removed from my car, shot me a PM, I am located in Brampton!!

part source has mr. gasket ones for like 16 bucks a pair. use em for everything. works good. 40 bucks you have your four. They have tthem where all the pushrod v8 dressup bits are . usually in the middle far end of the store, on the wall.

JRP has some nice 1’s 2 for a good price

Pacific Mall.