WTB: i want a 1998 s14 kouki front lip

i have a 1998 s14 and i am looking for the factory front lip that most cars don’t come with if anyopne knows where to get one please let me know

msg bing and see if he is still in contact with that one guy from Texas who was replicating those lips.

The other alternative is Nissan itself, but I believe they are quite expensive. It’s around 400 bucks or so.

i’ll try bing thanks

im down if the price is right too


no you arent.

everyone is all talk, as proven by the fact that we had the deal already arranged with the dude from Texas or something and not one person ponied up the $$$.

i keep getting requests for the lip and there is nothing i can do about it if people arent willing to take a risk and put their money out a couple weeks in advance.

well how much $$ are we talking as a deposit?

iono it was like 5 months ago… too late now… sorry

not trying to sound like a dick here but it is slightly upsetting that i had gone through all the trouble to arrange this with the guy several months ago and nothing came of it.