WTB: IC piping (clamps only)

Im sick of my POS pluming clamps breaking and popping off on me…So if anybody has a set of real ones or some extras they want to sell let me know…

Iv searched around on the net for them but most come with the hole IC piping kit…

:tup: its about time you get some real 1’s on there;)

gl buddie ill ask around

Ha, thanks man. Yah pluming clamps dont hold well at 16+psi hah

maby you should look into getting ur ic pipes rolled on the edges too?

i have a wack of t-bolt clamps…

but you can just ebay them.

What size???

if you need to get them cheap 12 $22 go here http://www.cxracing.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CXR&Product_Code=CLM12&Category_Code=SLHS

What size and how many do you need?

Size ic piping is 2.5 soo 3" and need roughly 15 of them just to be safe

if i sell my turbo kit i’d sell u mine or whatever

home depot has strong ass ones, what are u using?

let me check, i have at least 10 that should fit.

I still have a bunch of t-bolt clamps but am not sure what size they are. I think most of my extra 3 inchers went to EZFD

Innovative should have a ton of tbolt clamps.

Yup, those are the ones. I have 6 that, fully open, are 3". If that helps you can have them for free. I can ship them to silvercreek if you pay for it.


FYI, your piping is probaly popping off cuz its too short… you would be better served to put a bead on the end of the pipes… you can manually roll one on there, or do what i did and put blobs of epoxy on the end of the pipe… you just want to give the clamps something to hold against… so just 4 blobs on the end of the pipe at 12/6/3/9 oclock works perfect

Its not too short, all of my pieces are together at LEAST an inch or two into the cuplers, i know its not that. Its because im using a bracket that was not meant for the job its being used for…You can get them tight enough…they strip.

Yes making a bead would deffinetly help, but its not worth it when i could just get the right part used for the job and have it work just fine…