preferrably a Nano of whatever generation but I’ll consider anything above a 4th gen

lets see what ya got.

i got a 4 gb ipod nano 4 sale $125

newest gen two

what color? would you take $100 over the weekend?

hey bro i got a pink one 4gb. ill take 120

for when ur riding dirty?

the newest gen? fuckin pink dude… shit. take $100?

that’s how I roll.

Have to have a screen? I really dig my iPod shuffle (newer model). Clips onto whatever and hold 1gb, also plays random or in order. Great if your on a bike (although I don’t condone riding with music on lol)

i only use it on my bike if i’m taking a longer trip. i’ll be riding from brantford ontario to buffalo (about 2 hours) almost every weekend, that shit gets fuckin boooooooorrrrririiiiiiinnnnngggggggg…

and yeah i want a screen. 1gb is def not enough either.

Gotcha. I like the 1gb cuz then I just throw on like 300 good songs, and let it play random while I’m at the gym, or at work and don’t have to worry about getting a shitty song or so.

G/L that pink one sounds like a deal!

120 or nothing. bro you can just put one of those nice covers on it. thats what i did. 4gigs for 120. cmon

throw me a hundred this weekend its urs