WTB: sell me an ipod you pussy

For me ma. She aint need no fancy one. Just the basics is fine.

Let me know. I’m looking at a pile of the moneys right now for to spend on it to spend on it.

Anything but a shuffle considered…

how much u looking to spend an what is ur preference

i have no preference. what do you have? If i could get something for 100 bucks, that would be legit.

i can get the new 4 gig 120 i think

hmmm, i’ll let you know soon. you think? is it new? is it stolen?

it is brand new any preference in color?

no. any color is fine.

I can get you 25% off a brand new one right from apple LMK

ok well i should have it around 430 5 ish…120 is more than 50% off incase someone is tryin to steal my sale

  • tax?

yeah plus tax, its right from the apple store

I’m not trying to steal your sale, I am not profiting off this I am just trying to help someone out

lol relax im jus playin… newman is jus my fish i hooked him first lol


lol…ne way if u want it let me kno pretty soon cuz i gotta make a call to get it here

i think i’ll just get it from dan, then. thanks tho.

w.e u say i dont kno how much better of a deal u need from me

it’s the same price. They are 149.99 new - 25% + tax is about 120.

05 orange ss can you get any more for that price ?

no a 4 gig is 200 + tax yea 4 gig brandnew 120

oh, shit. my bad. i’ll take it then. whatever color. let me know when i can pick it up.