WTB: J-spec tailights

If you join the Edmonton Z Car Club, you’ll get 20% discount off all Nissan at Ericksen Nissan & Mills Nissan.[/quote]

Stealing our potential members hey?? Who said that we wouldn’t be getting that deal with our membership cards?? lol

Com’on Aaron you should know better! Car clubs are always looking to expand. Sometimes it means advertising their car club on OTHER CLUB’S SITESand trying to help potential entusiasts know that their car club has special benifits. :wink:

Hahha, I don’t care. I was just razzin Jason. :lol:

2HIGH~PSI… until NECC has their membership discounts & benefits finalized you at least have that option open to you in the meantime. And besides, there’s no reason why someone can’t join both clubs.

would it be possible to join both??
how much is it for the Z club?

Of COURSE its possible to join both. (Pay no attention to Zazam, he’s just bitter.) I’m a VP of the EZCC, and unless Aaron was planning to not let me officially join NECC, I had assumed I would belong to both. :smiley:

The direction we’re going is more cooperation and joint participation between the two clubs (at least from EZCC’s side anyway). Knowledge and resources not shared would be a waste.

Z Club membership is $35/year. Check out our website for more info www.edmontonzcarclub.com

Yeah, fire it up, as long as you don’t leave this club :wink:

no worries, i lub you guys…i’ll never leave :cry:

Lol. Inzane you’re funny. :smiley:

I think Strictly Z has them for the lowest price. http://strictlyz.com

$330 USD for both sides (no center panel)


I just ordered a polished plenum from these guys, awsome service.


Both sides for $300US


at strictlyz.com all 3 pieces were $420 USD
and ultimatez.com all 3 were $390 USD

THX for the great web sites :smiley: :smiley: