WTB: K20 or K24

just as the topic states. Looking for either a complete K24 TSX engine or a K20 Type S. If anyone knows of one being sold let me know. Thanks in advance

there’s like 4 or 5 being sold on h-t…

some of them are even sleeved n built already :fry: , i know there was a guy with a k24 block and k20-s head for sale

I’ve seen those. I wanna try and stay local. Wanna just go and pick it up. Dont wanna deal with shipping

Fuck that buy one from someplace and lets take a road trip!!!

my buddy is bailing on his K24 DA build and has some really high quality parts. 6 speed and k24 from a TSX as well as harnesses and mods for it. Shoot me an IM and I’ll get you in touch with him.


try this one http://rochester.craigslist.org/pts/1089030856.html

not the right engine but good looks