WTB:KA Alternator

I need an alternator for my 95 KA. I’m not 100% sure if S13 will work, feel free to speculate.

PM offers

i have several S13 alternators, i’m pretty sure they work but i can’t say for 100% sure. if you find out for sure and want one, send me a PM.

i have a few s13 ka alternators … $20bux located in etobicoke

who knows if an S13 alternator will work on an OBD1 S14???

I’ve got one on my black top… not that it helps… I bet it would though.

i can give u a pretty much 100% garuntee that if it bolts on it works, i’ve wired alternators from many a car that don’t belong there with no problem. … like for example even an alternator from an r34 the wiring is plug in play to the the wires from an s12 lower harness, they haven’t changed the design electronically in like 20 years. consider that there are tons of s13 sr’s in s14’s using s14 lower harnesses, sometimes you need to enlarge the holes on the ground or positive loops that’s about it.