Need a KA24E maf, for my ca18det. Ideally would like to get a hold of a ca18det maf but atleast a kae maf should get me going for now.
Using a KAE maf on a CA has been proven to make it run lean.
I’ve read that 2. Is there a better alternative? was hoping to richen it up with a safc for now. Is it better to use the n60/62 maf? which would be easier to tune?
I have a KA24E maf, pm offer.
I got an N60 MAF if you need one.
I got pics on this thread
Shoot me a PM if you are interested in picking it up. I’m in Pickering/Scarborough
Hey man, sorry i could not get back to you, I have it ready for pick up, can you do it tomorrow?
ive got a CA18det mafs…
pm contact info if interested…
found ca18det maf. pls lock.