If it doesn’t have an honest to god serial port which came on it factory, it doesn’t help me out.
Must be PC compatible and capable of running Windows XP.
If it doesn’t have an honest to god serial port which came on it factory, it doesn’t help me out.
Must be PC compatible and capable of running Windows XP.
holla at me
I’ve got a Dell that’s about 5 yrs old, celeron 400MHz (or 500 can’t remember, that’s how long it’s been since I’ve used it regularly) 192 MB Ram, I’m running XP on it now. No clue on it’s value…make an offer
the dell 600m still is sold with a serial port, that was m main reason for buying one. Look them up on ebay, its a great laptop for the most part.
my brand new inspiron 6000 has a serial port as well
My fiance’s father has a toshiba with 256mb ram and the serial port, it’s relatively new and he said he would let it go for $500 if you want it.