WTB: Lit Review

I know its a long shot and im probably going to get ragged on to do my own but i got hit really hard the last 2 weeks of college and working almost full time hours and going full time i am in a dilema. I am working on the paper now but it is my first time trying to something like this and I am beyond lost.

I am just seeing if anyone has ever done one for college and if i could use it or we could work something out because im sitting here staring at my computer and if this paper is my 70 percent of my grade this semster.


Shit, when I saw Lit, I thought of the alternative-rock band from the 90’s…getting old here I guess…

Research methods, i decided to take the day off from work today and stay up till 3 last night and finish it… Im doing a 15 -25 page report on school shooting but I was just seeing if anyone had one laying around that they did in college

haha I thought the same thing

+1 on doing it yourself.