WTB : Macbook

I am looking at the new macbooks (not the macbook pro), and I want to see if I can get something used, instead of new.

Does anyone have one they could let go?



how old? specs desired? how much you looking to spend?

I just bought the new one that came out 2-3 weeks ago

Coming from a PC user since the beginning of time, I think it’s the best decision I ever made. Just get 2GB of RAM and this thing is unstoppable.

I’ve had a bunch of them in the past, I love them. SHOtime, doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter, and cheaper then new/ebay prices. Just curious to see if there are any out there.

For what it’s worth, we have some at my work.

You also get a free Ipod after mail-in rebate. You can ebay that and recoup some of your $$$

Thanks, but I work for RIT, so I get the same discount. I’d just rather get a slightly older model, and pay less. Plus, I’d save on that 90 dollar sales tax buying used.
