WTB maybe...QUAD

Who is selling a quad preety cheap? Im lookin for a 4x4 prob but open to anything. Also I will be willing to trade my 50+cash or straight up depending on quad…

what kind of fifty do you have and how much you planin on to spend

CRF50 + Mods
Plus maybe a grand in cash

50 KBB’s at 500bux, but its got about 300 dollars in mods

i got a 98 warrior with some mods ill send you pics if you want

Yeah please do. How much? Even trade? Trade plus cash? Thanks


do you want to sell your CRF50 outright?

i may be interested in the quad


I got first dibbs

How much? Pics?

yeah give me a little bit though cause i need to adjust some shit on it like it needs new brakes and new front wheel and possible a new clutch and im gonna get that shit first and ill get pics as soon as my phone quits being gay lol

Hey bro send me a pm with a price and maybe trade for my 50 + cash…Or other shit Ex. xbox360? haha

haha ill try and get a pic

Bump, will have 600bux cash real soon