WTB: minivan

For my mom’s BF. He’s a musician and needs the room for gear… around 5000 dollars.

If you know of something that’s good and reliable, let me know…

looking for a “box” or new style?

First the VW, now I see the title of this thread…

I ran outside and it WASN’T raining frogs so I knew it was going to be okay.

My ex-gf’s mother just sold her 01 caravan for 6,000 with 70,000 miles on it, I’d look into those, they have lots of room

Probably not the box style. It’s his DD, because he’s basically a full time musician, so it needs to be somewhat fuel efficient.

my 06 caravan sucks balls on gas …

there is one by my house if it still is there ill get the #