WTB MKIV Jetta Left front Fender & more

Looking to buy a used mk4 jetta left front fender, any color will work as long as the fender is straight and has no damage. Also looking for rear calipers for the same car 2.slow trim. And a front bumper, not with all the foam and junk just the cover (not super important but if the price is right… )

If you have a parts car and are to lazy to take the parts off, i will come do it also :lol

I have and aftermarket fiberglass bumper not sure what company it is. $50

Is it stock as in not like a body kit type bumper? could you provide me with some pics? thanks for the response.

its an aftermarket style not oem style. I believe its an oettinger knock off I can get a picture tomorrow. Its not an obnoxious style bumper

pics!!! :lol