WTB: Mountain Bike

Yeah it’s a good 5-6 mile loop. I’m not a huge fan of it though. Don’t get me wrong the trails are awesome but I’ve seen too many instances of people having their windows smashed and cars broken into while riding there for me to visit too often.

damn, thats lame. I used to live across the park from there, If I still did I’d offer you guys some safe parking :lol

Really?? I drive by that daily and have never seen/heard of a problem. There are regular residential streets within a few blocks that would offer safe parking also.

Yeah a couple times once on a group ride about 5 or 6 people had their windows smashed. Then another time a friend of mine left his car unlocked like an idiot and had his gps yanked. I usually just go when it’s little league season and park by one of the ball fields where there’s constantly people there.

Here’s a pic of the GT. Moving this weekend, make me a offer and come scoop it up


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Probably gonna take that bitch. looks nice

Looks like a women’s bike


29er’s just make riding trails easier and a lot smoother.

If you don’t believe in them, find a loop you like to ride. Ride a 26" around it, then a 29er and you will feel the difference.

Just stay away from the Walmart 29ers, they are heavy as phuck and they require a special tube (its like a 80mm shrader and most bike shops don’t carry them).

I want the same bike Pete has. Donno where to find it.


I have a Diamondback Response 26" with a 20" frame
I looked at a 29er but it was out of my Price range

If Lance doesnt scoop this, let me know. Would be perfect for my brother so I dont have to play shuttle bus to work.

I’m moving this weekend so one of you guys come grab it! $120 it’s yours

That’s a pretty solid price. Someone should grab it.

Back off grabbin that shit tomorrow haha

You coming to grab this thing tomorrow?



I’m suddenly busy all day tomorrow. Red go ahead and grab it. I’ll wait!

That seat on that bike looks like it could do some damage

You would use the seat?