WTB: Nvidia 8600GT

I’m looking for a PCIe Nvidia 8600GT, it has to be in working condition.

I’ve seen them go between $35-40 on Kijiji, don’t ask for anything more.

Adapters a plus, but not a must. Drivers are not needed.

PM or post in this thread if you have one for sale.

I can get them for you new from bestbuy.
It’ll be a little bit more though.

If your actually interested i can check prices out on thursday.

I spent $600 on mine about a year ago, maybe a bit more. $40? Sure they work? No artifacts? I can’t see a video card that still shows great performance depreciating that much…

i bought my BFG 8600GTS a year ago for $250, now its about 150 or smthing…

Martino, PM’d, thanks!

jpod, i’m sure you purchased an optioned out 8600 based card, I bet you have good ram, fans, OC ability, etc. Therefore, you don’t have a run of the mill 8600GT that i’m looking for.

St-timeRRR, BFG 8600GT sells for $99.00 New at Canada Computers. But they don’t have stock. The GTS is a model above what I’m looking for.

The 8600GT/GTS’ are old, if they’re on the shelves it’s old stock.

The 9600GT is the new model selling for $125-200 depending on options.

40 Used

For the record, I paid $50 for an XFX 256MB GeForce 8600GT PCIe x16 card.

TY Kijiji