What pci-e card to buy for under 300 beans...

need a new pci-e card… dont really care about any integrated tv card

It’s a liitle higher than you’re looking but newegg has an XFX GeForce 6800GT for $309 (plus there’s a $50 mail in rebate on top of that so really its $259) I just ordered two for SLI…other than that any 6600GT should be well within your price range

i can get an ATI 256 MB x800XL for somewhere near 250 i think new…

The X800 in refular and platinum (don’t know about the base pro) both perform comparably to a 6800GT so that seems a pretty good deal

thats the cards i have for SLI the 6800 GT’s. man what nice cards they are.

what the hell is SLI?

2 cards into 1, to make them ultra fast :slight_smile:

if u remember a few years back voodoo did it with theyre cards, basically u link the cards together to make them 1 big speed demon :slight_smile:

sounds expensive. will it speed up wolfenstein 3d?

a good card will speed up that game, no need for sli with it.

yes it cost me around 700 bucks for the cards, plus the mobo.

So should I pick up a 16 pipe X800GTO for 200 bux or what?

no u should get off ATIs nutsack and buy a real card, nvidia!!!

This always helps when picking a new card.


Good way to see what performs best.

I’d like to run 6600gt’s in SLI for the hell of it.I can find them for $110 each.

Thanks for the link Jon… will read tomorrow. :tup:

Screw you Kev. :stuck_out_tongue: You have to convert me.

F that ish, I just picked up 2 7800 GTs for 250 each after rebate, think newegg has it still! My new comp is gonnna PWN H4rdc0r3! SLI 4L!!!

Fucking leet speak makes me want to kill babies.

And yeah, you can probably grab a 7800 for under 300 bones, or close to it.